GEOTER carries out all its activities according to a quality assurance and environmental management system in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, the objective of which is the continuous improvement of the work carried out in the design and management of geothermal installations.

As a result of the efforts made in the area of Research, Development and Innovation, the General Directorate of Innovation and Competitiveness of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) has awarded our company the SME INNOVATOR award, positioning it among the most intensive Spanish engineering in R+D+i.

In addition, GEOTER is approved by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) as an energy services company in the National Programme GEOTCASA and G.I.T. for large installations in the tertiary sector.



GEOTER is a pioneering company in low and very low enthalpy geothermal applications, renewable energies and energy efficiency, developing innovative projects of high efficiency and sustainability that satisfy our customers and protect the environment.

To this end, an environmental management system has been implemented following the parameters established by the ISO 14001 standard, achieving responsible solutions with a commitment to preserving the environment.


Establishment of problem detection and prevention mechanisms for the immediate application of corrective actions. Quality assurance in the developed works, guaranteeing the necessary inspections to offer the best service. Efficient management and control of activities.

Comply with environmental legislation and regulations, as well as other regulations in force in the different fields of application, as well as ensuring compliance with the requirements offered to our customers.

Continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system through the correct management of customer complaints, internal non-conformities, staff suggestions, management reviews, etc.

To collaborate with the Administration and competent Organisms in the protection and conservation of the environment.

Periodically evaluate the environmental impacts associated with our activities and optimize both the performance of all processes and the use of natural resources and raw materials, controlling the impacts on energy consumption. Prevent pollution.

Effective assignment of roles and responsibilities, including quality and environmental needs in training programs and encouraging the implementation of good environmental practices and continuous improvement of processes by all staff.

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